Friday, April 27, 2012

Windows XP 64 bit or windows 7 64 for gaming?

So I realized with my friends pc , wich is XP 64 bit and has 2 gigs of ram. He can play any game maxed out settings with an 8800 nvidia video card. Where I on the other hand have windows 7 64bit 4gigs and ATI radeon HD 5670 wich is far better then his set up. When we play games, his games are more smooth. He get better FPS and everything then me. Should I go with windows XP 64 bit? We play the same games , my drivers are all up to date , and all. My PC is all new, his is still kinda old.|||…

(Above) benchmark comparing 8800 and 5670, 8800 dominates in texil and pixel rate

Want to get better performance? buy a new gpu, I advise at least the 6850 or gtx 560 (I recommend the 6870 or the gtx 560 for minimum)

edit: Sorry, 64bit is for 4gb+ RAM (if you ever decide to upgrade, it is unnecessary to go past 8Gb)

and also, Windows XP does not support DX11; he could always be playing at lower settings or resolutions, I would check your resolution and settings|||Umm... well, there are a few things going on here.

1) Windows XP only supports DirectX9. Which means his "maxed out" settings are going to be MUCH worse than your "maxed out" settings.

2) Windows XP sucks. It's a decade old and about to be out of its supported lifetime.

3) 64-bit Windows XP sucks even more than Windows XP 32-bit. I'm actually surprised anything works on your friend's PC at all, as XP 64-bit is amongst the least supported OSes around.

Definitely go with Windows 7 64-bit for gaming. You get DirectX11 and aren't using outdated software.|||What? No ofcourse not! Your pc is way better, and why is he using windows XP 64bit when he only has 2gb of RAM? You should stick with the Win7 install, it is way easier and supports DirectX 11, which XP doesn't. And oh, he's probably playing on a lower resolution.

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