Friday, April 27, 2012

I was recommended to change my video card what is the best recommended video card for my computer.?

My computer details : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.80ghz , speed 1794, using windows 7|||You didn't list a budget, nor did you list what you intend to use the computer for. Gaming? Video editing? Can't help you without any info. Nevertheless, that processor is extremely old and will only bottleneck any high end graphics card.|||P4 1.8ghz and Windows 7?


I think it would be unwise to worry about any upgrades for this computer, except maybe RAM if you have less than 2GB. You won't be turning this into a gaming system. This computer should just be used for homework or basic word processing, browsing the internet, and watching videos. Whatever video card is in it is probably fine for those things.

What is it that you would like to do with the computer that it isn't letting you do?|||You don't need to change your video card because your processor is too old and i think there is only AGP slot in your system not PCIe so forget to change your video card or if you change your video card it's total waste of money

You should spend on new system instead of video card|||An ASUS EN210 Silent just for the sake of changing a video card I guess.

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