Friday, April 27, 2012

Windows 7; and a more powerful computer?

ISSUE 1: I recently bought a second computer; the second computer has windows 7; the other computer has Windows Vista. Now that I have windows 7, why exactly is windows 7 going to benefit me? I have no idea what practical use the upgrade in operating systems from vista to Windows 7 is! SECOND ISSUE: I gave up trying to use microsoft flight simulator X. I bought Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, also known as version 9. Version 9 runs flawlessly on my cheap laptops with the 2MH CPU and lowgrade integrated video cards. So now that I have a smooth-running flight simulator experience, and it runs smoothly on my cheap laptops, why would I need a much more powerful laptop with a highgrade video card? can somebody justify me making a computer purchase next christmas of a gaming computer, when flight sim version 9 is running well on my cheap laptop? Third question: why is it, my Dell Inspiron has a memory-card slot, but my HP Compaq Presario has no memory card slot? Are memory cards being phased out? all memory devices are switching to USB devices?????? I dont own a digital camera. The cameras have used memory cards for years. my compaq presario would need some sort of external adapter for a memory card insertion.|||Issue 1: If you've actually used Vista and 7, you'd know why the upgrade it required. Vista just doesn't work. Simple. I'm not saying7 works flawlessly, but it is better than Vista.

Issue 2: Depends on if you want to play other games. Not everything will run on your cheap laptops. (Laptops aren't for gaming!)

Issue 3: HP was just saving money, that's why there is no card slot. Memory card's are nowhere near extinction.

Issue 4: The button that says 'Enter' or 'Return' on your keyboard. If you use that, you're posts will be a lot more legible.

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