Friday, May 4, 2012

My windows 7 computer is crashing and blue screening like crazy, what can I do?

My computer was originally a Vista 32bit sp2, and later we did a complete clean sweep of the computer and changed the OS to Windows 7 Home Premium. At first all was working well, but then later errors started to appear.

First, and one reason why we switched from Vista to W7 is because the mouse started having issues (randomly double clicks, checked all settings over, purchased a new mouse, still no luck) and so we decided to switch OS and hope for the best. Issue continued, but system overall ran better.

Then, a few months ago (not sure how many) I started having problems with the Sidebar.. it would either have trouble loading, or wouldn't allow me to use any of the gadgets. Shortly after that it stopped working and showing up all together. In my task manager it shows it's running, and yet it will not appear. I have done everything (even going through command prompt) to try and get it to work, and no avail.

Now, not long after that has happened, my computer started crashing and having the BSOD. At first it rarely happened, and now it happens on a constant basis. It does not matter what I am doing, it will do it. I could be on the net, playing a computer game, an mmo, etc the list goes on. Now it happens atleast once a day, and it crashes more so than BSOD. The error code I get is 0x124.

Asides from doing a complete clean sweep again of the computer (I am looking for the discs now) is there possibly anything I can do to fix this before it's too late? I've ran stress tests on my video card and ram/memory and everything checks out fine. I have ran virus checkers and all come back clean.

Oh and just recently (past 2 days I'd say) the cursor is now skipping. It's not a constant thing, but every so often the cursor skips across the screen in a direction a short ways, even if I touch it lightly.

Thank you all ahead of time.|||The first thing I would do is a system restore. To do this, start the computer in safe mode (press f8 on start up if I recall correctly, but you may have to look this up). Safe mode only runs the essential programs that allow the computer to function. Once it's started up, go to the start menu>accessories>system tools>system restore. Follow the prompts there, and choose a time and date from before the problem started up.

This will restore the system back to a time before you were having the problems. You will lose any software etc you have put on the computer since then, so if you want it you're going to have to try to backup your files. If you can get the computer working long enough to save all your files across to an external hard drive, do that.

That should sort it out, I've solved many a computer problem by doing that. Good luck|||Did you do the Windows Updates after you installed Windows 7 so it will have all the updates and security fixes that have come out, would be the first thing to try and do before trying to trouble shoot the issues.|||Stop error 0x124 is specifically a generic hardware issue. Log files from this error produce very little useful information, so you'll basically have to begin troubleshooting everything.

This link has a guide:…|||First of all, what you need to do is except that windows (all versions) is inferea, It is unstable insecure and a unreliable operating system. If you have not heard the news that computer manufactures are dumping windows and moving to alternative faster more secure operating systems

A couple of week back HP announced that they are moving away from windows, and are going to start installing their own Linux WebOS operating system. Acer and Sony are now releasing their new computer systems with Google Linux Chrome operating system, Dell install and support Ubuntu Linux,

When computer manufactures start dumping Microsoft windows what is this telling you? that windows is the best computer operating system, No it is telling you that windows is no good period, That they have had enough of all the problems windows has caused them and their customer. they are all moving to Linux operating systems en block,

Linux operating system is up to date, May 2011. and you can download it from here, you have over one 100 alternative Linux operating systems to pick from|||You don't have the right drivers reinstall any os that your laptop or pc can handle or its recommended according to the manual and if you have a disk do a start up repair and you should be good and then download the drivers of your computer model on the website bsod is problems with hard drive easy to fix|||General hardware failure. a reformat wont fix the problem, sorry. PCs are made with multiple parts from multiple companies. It can be hard to isolate exactly what's causing the problem, but from your description, it seems like the motherboard I/O seems to be failing. That would explain the mouse skipping and the desktop not looking right. It might also be the graphics card, hard to tell. Most likely its not drivers since nothing seems to have changed from your description, unless you just recently had a huge system upgrade or something of that nature.

Honestly it sounds like your computer is reaching the end of its lifetime. I would recommend backing up any important files and preparing for your next purchase. Macs are always good machines, both my macs are over 10 years old and no trouble yet!


Sometimes overheating can cause similar issues and would be classified as a hardware failure. Try blowing dust out of the vents. If thats not it, then its what I said before.Sorry, just thought of this as a possibility!

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