Sunday, May 6, 2012

My Windows 7 Ulitimate window screens are large?

Ok, well I installed Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit and everything is large! The windows are large, my start menu is also huge and so is my mouse cursor! Just say that everything that is on my screen is bigger than normal. Ive tried EVERYTHING to fix this and ive tried for weeks now. Its not my monitor, I have a really good monitor. It wont let me change my resolution either. Ive been told it can be my video card and that it needs updated drivers. I have a standard VGA graphisc adapter. Can someone please tell me how to fix this? It is really annoying and I really wanna make it normail size, thanks!|||Maybe there in Windows 7 , have a 2 type of screen resolution. Normal(100%) and Medium(125%), maybe you have changed it into Medium(125%) that makes everything large, right?

Or, your VGA need to be updated.

To change the screen into Normal:

Go to Control Panel

Click the Display option

Change it into Normal

Hope This Helps, maybe no. many people using Window 7 maybe know about this.|||You need to download drivers for your video card. If it is a dedicated card go to the site of nVidia or ATI (whichever is your manufacturer) and download drivers for your model. If it is an integrated card, then visit Intel's site and download drivers for your motherboard. Or you can go to your pc or laptop's manufacturer site and search for drivers of your model.|||your screen is most likely magnified using the new magnifier tool under Accessories then ease of Access

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