Friday, May 4, 2012

Is the ATI Radeon 9200 LE 128MB video card compatible with Windows 7?

Please read my entire question because alot of people do not help me with their answers because they dont read!

I have two hard drives with one running Windows Vista Ultimate, and the other running Windows 7 Ultimate. My ATI Radeon 9200 LE video card and its driver were installed automatically by vista even though the card is not certified for vista. But when I try to install the card on the other hard drive, Windows 7 does not recognize the card, and does not install any drivers for it. I was wondering if I could some how get the driver for this card and manually install it in windows 7. Is this possible? If it is, where can I get the driver?|||it is if oyu find the windows vista drivers for it. otherwise wait until september when windows 7 comes out.

Hope this helps|||the ati website has windows 7 drivers (I know this because I installed my 4550 using them) .. check to see if theres a w7 driver for your 9200

I would have thought it would install a generic vesa driver for the card, so you could at least see whats on screen. performance wouldnt be that good though (I guess you know tht already)|||mostly u wont get the driver anywhere .

try to find in .

why not upgrade ur card to the 4000 Radeon hd series .they r cheap and performance too is good .

almost all the cards are 512 mb and cost below $200|||9200 is a very old card, you should probably looking at some thing that will run Dx10....

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