I've been having computer problems..Computer freezes randomly, like watching hulu it froze.
I've replaced the MB, and Power supply..Video card appears to fine. I'm thinking of getting a new case so there's all new electronics, and also thinking of migrating my windows7 to a new hard drive. A new case would give me new electronics, and more room for a better cpu fan. How hard would this task be? What would it entail?|||awesome is right... if that doesn't work... get back to us... i'll bet you can do this|||Buy the CD,restart the computer with the CD inserted ,and follow the prompts. Takes about 25 mins.
No worries.|||I'm confused because you say that you have replaced the MB and the PSU. What other electronics would you be hoping to replace by getting a new tower? In my experience, anyone who knows how to replace their motherboard would also know how to replace their hard drive. Are you sure that it was the MB that you replaced?
Unless your hardware is getting old (5+ years), you should not assume that hardware is causing your issues. If there are specific symptoms that seem to point to a specific piece of hardware, then replace it. Otherwise, my first line of defense is always to re-format my hard drive and start clean that way.
Once you make sure that all of your personal data (photos, videos, music, documents, etc.) are backed up to external media of some sort, Use your Windows 7 install disk to reinstall Windows. The Windows setup process will give you the option to format your hard drive and install over the top of the current installation. Do that. Once you have a "clean" install of the OS, you should notice a considerable performance boost.
The amount of time that this will take you depends a lot on your situation. I would expect anywhere between 2 and 20 hours to back up all of your personal data, depending on how much you have, and how you are backing it up. I would expect the re-install of the operating system to take about an hour. From there, it may take you another 2 to 20 hours worth of work to re-install whatever software you need, and get your system set up the way you want it again.
This can be a laborious process. You can expect anywhere between 5 and 40 hours to get it done. However, you would need to basically go through the same process if you wanted to replace your HDD. I would definitely not suggest that you attempt to copy your existing HDD image to your new drive. This is likely to introduce more problems than it fixes, unless you know exactly what you are doing.|||If you don't know how to do it then don't even try that. just get a new computer from somewhere like dell and call it a day.
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